Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay Topics on The Great Gatsby

Essay Topics on The Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby is the most popular and most cited book ever written. It has been adapted into an opera, a film, and even a musical (and that's not even getting into the TV series of the same name). You could write a serious article about how to write an essay on the Great Gatsby for many hundreds of words, but I think I'll stick to one theme: the essay topics on the Great Gatsby are almost always framed around the conflict between Nick Carraway and his own father.Nicholas and the arch-rival; Gatsby and his mother. Any discussion of the characters in The Great Gatsby must begin with these two men and they are what the conflict revolves around. This is the initial starting point for any essay on the subject. If you don't understand the initial conflict, your essay will be useless.Writing about the conflicts between fathers and sons is very useful. In real life, we can observe that this conflict often leads to violence, and sometimes murder. Many studen ts would like to avoid this, but they don't realize that it is the only way to deal with this conflict effectively.Many good essays have focused on the parents and their children's conflicts. It is a very rich subject for essays on The Great Gatsby. When the essay discusses the conflict between Nick and his father, it gives students the basic information that they need to understand the primary conflict in the novel, and also allows them to start their discussion from a different point than if the essay was written without knowing the background.Just as in real life, Nick and his father bicker. The big difference between this and real life is that The Great Gatsby portrays two very strong characters (Nicholas and his father) and lots of small, minor characters. Students must use many details from the novel to follow their characters and to provide sufficient context for the debate between the two.The problem with many essay topics on The Great Gatsby is that they only discuss one ma jor character and don't look at the entire story. Each character is well-developed, but they have only a few incidents to stand on. By studying all of the characters in detail, it is possible to learn much more about the conflict than any one character can provide.The argument made in the essay topics on The Great Gatsby is that both men were unable to handle their love for their son, and that caused great damage. That is the real conflict, and it is not necessary to establish the two opposing characters as bad or good. Nicholas is a mixed and imperfect man, and Gatsby is very flawed and easy to hate. In fact, many of the essays on The Great Gatsby get so carried away with hating Gatsby that they forget to look at the larger picture.If you want to write an essay on The Great Gatsby that really works, be sure to keep the conflict with your main characters in mind. You can't learn anything about this conflict from the novel. In fact, you will probably get a better understanding of the conflict by looking at the characters' separate arcs. Write about each character separately, and this will give you a much better chance of capturing the conflict correctly.

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