Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Taking a Look at the Philippine Revolution - 880 Words

The Philippine Revolution began in 1896 and ended in 1898. Before the start of the revolution, Spain was in control of the Philippines for more that three and a half centuries . During Spanish rule, there was a period of tyranny, misconduct and abuses of the Friars and the Civil and Military Administration exhausted the patience of the natives and caused them to make a desperate effort to shake off the unbearable galling yoke on August 26, 1896, then commencing the revolution in the provinces of Manila and Cavite. The Filipinos attempted to create a revolutionary movement entitled, the Katipunan. The goal of the Katipunan was the death and expulsion of all Spanish people and members of religious orders. However, after Spain handed off the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris, the American Filipino conflict ensued. The Spanish American war lasted three years and caused the death of 4,200 Americans and over 20,000 Filipinos soldiers and 200,000 Filipino civilians d ied because of violence, famine, and disease. The Philippine Revolution failed to create an Independent Country because of the Katipunan, the involvement of the United States of America, and by poor military tactics. The Katipunan was a revolutionary group created to rebel against Philippine Government sparking the beginning of the revolution. Many people thought that the Katipunan was an elite nationalist movement of the propagandists, however it was generally known to be the movement ofShow MoreRelatedFilipino People Power Revolution1421 Words   |  6 PagesThe Filipino People S Power Revolution Essay, Research Paper The Filipino People s Power Revolution The revolution of the Philippines is a story about an economically poor government; a poverty-stricken nation; and a corrupt dictators nearly bloodless ousting. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Writing in a Relaxed Atmosphere Free Essays

Writing in a relaxed atmosphere, for me, was extremely hard to do in the beginning. As a single mother of two little ones, my mind constantly races through the ins and outs of our daily life. Once I finally found my very own quiet time and place, the words came freely and surprisingly, so did the emotion I have worked so hard to keep under control. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing in a Relaxed Atmosphere or any similar topic only for you Order Now In searching for my very own â€Å"relaxed atmosphere†, I took a blanket and chair out to the campsite that my husband and I camped at shortly after we wed. My husband, Kevin, committed suicide in March of 2009. As the assignment was given in class, I knew exactly who I would write to. Though unsure of what I would say, to whom I would write was never a question. Sitting alone thinking of what I would say, I realized why writing in solitude could be very beneficial. With daily distractions, my concentration is easily broken causing me to lose my train of thought. Writing a letter to Kevin in a place that held many special memories helped me to embrace the emotions and thoughts that I ignore daily. As I got comfortable with being alone, this is a rare occasion for me, I was shocked when the words just came. While the words in the letter came to me with great ease, the essay was more difficult. Even knowing that this was a letter that will never be read by the person it was wrote to, I am extremely thankful for this assignment. I found the seclusion to be soothing, comforting and for once felt that I could be honest about how his actions made me feel. The noises found in nature were distracting for me at first. After I really got going, the sounds faded away causing me to lose track of time I spent on the letter itself. To me, it seems solitude and writing go hand in hand. The silence and lack of distraction allowed me to write freely and without interruption. Since this was a personal letter and it was something I was comfortable writing, I embraced the alone time. However, I can see that if I were writing about something that was not of interest to me, it would be hard to do alone. How to cite Writing in a Relaxed Atmosphere, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Piaget’s Theory Of Child Development Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Piagets Theory Of Child Development. Answer: Resource plan: Ball made out of paper for toddlers In early childhood education setting, paper craft activities like making ball out of papers can help to enhance creativity of children and promote visual learning. By engaging in such kind of paper works, toddlers can develop their motors skills, critical thinking skills and creativity (Cremin et al., 2015). This kind of play experience relates to the Piagets theory of child development, which states that children develop their thinking skills by interaction with world outside (Demetriou, Shayer Efklides, 2016). Hence, when a toddler engages in activities like building ball out of papers, they get an experience that promotes the logical and conceptual growth of children. Context: Different colours of art papers will be placed in activity room so that children have enough space to learn about making balls Two big tables with five to six chairs will be arranged in the room so that children can sit comfortably and keep all the materials needed to prepare the balls Six toddlers will be involved in the activity under the supervision of a child care educator Two or three boxes will be kept so that children separate the balls according to colours Learning outcome: Engaging in craftwork of making paper balls will help the toddler to: Develop their motor skills by using the scissors for cutting and using the papers to scribble with crayons and make patterns Strengthen their problem solving and critical thinking skills by the experience of taking decisions regarding how to arrange the paper to create balls Learn about colour, shape and using descriptive words to crumble papers. This is crucial for language development of toddlers Promote social development of children by giving them the opportunity to work with other children to create the balls Improve their creative and think about new ways to use the paper (pbs.org, 2018). Activity: Each child will be asked to partner with other child to prepare the balls First, the educator will demonstrate the way to make the ball out of craft papers and then each child will be asked to make their balls out of craft papers provided Each children will be give two to three different colours of craft paper and asked to keep the balls in matching colour boxes While using the craft paper, educator will teach toddlers about different shapes and colours Children will also be asked to show their creativity by making different patterns on the paper balls. Craft papers are colourful resources that attract the attention of toddlers and increase their interest in learning about the new activity of making papers from a piece of paper. This kind of learning experience does not require much resource and children get to enhance their decision making and creative thinking skills too. By allowing them to work in pairs, they also get the opportunity to learn social skills and coordination skills, which is also an important area of child learning and development (Huang et al., 2014). References: Cremin, T., Glauert, E., Craft, A., Compton, A., Stylianidou, F. (2015). Creative Little Scientists: exploring pedagogical synergies between inquiry-based and creative approaches in Early Years science.Education 3-13,43(4), 404-419. Demetriou, A., Shayer, M., Efklides, A. (Eds.). (2016).Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development: Implications and applications for education. Routledge. Huang, J., Sherraden, M., Kim, Y., Clancy, M. (2014). Effects of Child Development Accounts on early social-emotional development: An experimental test.JAMA pediatrics,168(3), 265-271. pbs.org (2018). The Importance of Art in Child Development. Retrieved 2 March 2018, from https://www.pbs.org/parents/education/music-arts/the-importance-of-art-in-child-development/