Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Taking a Look at the Philippine Revolution - 880 Words

The Philippine Revolution began in 1896 and ended in 1898. Before the start of the revolution, Spain was in control of the Philippines for more that three and a half centuries . During Spanish rule, there was a period of tyranny, misconduct and abuses of the Friars and the Civil and Military Administration exhausted the patience of the natives and caused them to make a desperate effort to shake off the unbearable galling yoke on August 26, 1896, then commencing the revolution in the provinces of Manila and Cavite. The Filipinos attempted to create a revolutionary movement entitled, the Katipunan. The goal of the Katipunan was the death and expulsion of all Spanish people and members of religious orders. However, after Spain handed off the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris, the American Filipino conflict ensued. The Spanish American war lasted three years and caused the death of 4,200 Americans and over 20,000 Filipinos soldiers and 200,000 Filipino civilians d ied because of violence, famine, and disease. The Philippine Revolution failed to create an Independent Country because of the Katipunan, the involvement of the United States of America, and by poor military tactics. The Katipunan was a revolutionary group created to rebel against Philippine Government sparking the beginning of the revolution. Many people thought that the Katipunan was an elite nationalist movement of the propagandists, however it was generally known to be the movement ofShow MoreRelatedFilipino People Power Revolution1421 Words   |  6 PagesThe Filipino People S Power Revolution Essay, Research Paper The Filipino People s Power Revolution The revolution of the Philippines is a story about an economically poor government; a poverty-stricken nation; and a corrupt dictators nearly bloodless ousting. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Writing in a Relaxed Atmosphere Free Essays

Writing in a relaxed atmosphere, for me, was extremely hard to do in the beginning. As a single mother of two little ones, my mind constantly races through the ins and outs of our daily life. Once I finally found my very own quiet time and place, the words came freely and surprisingly, so did the emotion I have worked so hard to keep under control. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing in a Relaxed Atmosphere or any similar topic only for you Order Now In searching for my very own â€Å"relaxed atmosphere†, I took a blanket and chair out to the campsite that my husband and I camped at shortly after we wed. My husband, Kevin, committed suicide in March of 2009. As the assignment was given in class, I knew exactly who I would write to. Though unsure of what I would say, to whom I would write was never a question. Sitting alone thinking of what I would say, I realized why writing in solitude could be very beneficial. With daily distractions, my concentration is easily broken causing me to lose my train of thought. Writing a letter to Kevin in a place that held many special memories helped me to embrace the emotions and thoughts that I ignore daily. As I got comfortable with being alone, this is a rare occasion for me, I was shocked when the words just came. While the words in the letter came to me with great ease, the essay was more difficult. Even knowing that this was a letter that will never be read by the person it was wrote to, I am extremely thankful for this assignment. I found the seclusion to be soothing, comforting and for once felt that I could be honest about how his actions made me feel. The noises found in nature were distracting for me at first. After I really got going, the sounds faded away causing me to lose track of time I spent on the letter itself. To me, it seems solitude and writing go hand in hand. The silence and lack of distraction allowed me to write freely and without interruption. Since this was a personal letter and it was something I was comfortable writing, I embraced the alone time. However, I can see that if I were writing about something that was not of interest to me, it would be hard to do alone. How to cite Writing in a Relaxed Atmosphere, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Piaget’s Theory Of Child Development Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Piagets Theory Of Child Development. Answer: Resource plan: Ball made out of paper for toddlers In early childhood education setting, paper craft activities like making ball out of papers can help to enhance creativity of children and promote visual learning. By engaging in such kind of paper works, toddlers can develop their motors skills, critical thinking skills and creativity (Cremin et al., 2015). This kind of play experience relates to the Piagets theory of child development, which states that children develop their thinking skills by interaction with world outside (Demetriou, Shayer Efklides, 2016). Hence, when a toddler engages in activities like building ball out of papers, they get an experience that promotes the logical and conceptual growth of children. Context: Different colours of art papers will be placed in activity room so that children have enough space to learn about making balls Two big tables with five to six chairs will be arranged in the room so that children can sit comfortably and keep all the materials needed to prepare the balls Six toddlers will be involved in the activity under the supervision of a child care educator Two or three boxes will be kept so that children separate the balls according to colours Learning outcome: Engaging in craftwork of making paper balls will help the toddler to: Develop their motor skills by using the scissors for cutting and using the papers to scribble with crayons and make patterns Strengthen their problem solving and critical thinking skills by the experience of taking decisions regarding how to arrange the paper to create balls Learn about colour, shape and using descriptive words to crumble papers. This is crucial for language development of toddlers Promote social development of children by giving them the opportunity to work with other children to create the balls Improve their creative and think about new ways to use the paper (pbs.org, 2018). Activity: Each child will be asked to partner with other child to prepare the balls First, the educator will demonstrate the way to make the ball out of craft papers and then each child will be asked to make their balls out of craft papers provided Each children will be give two to three different colours of craft paper and asked to keep the balls in matching colour boxes While using the craft paper, educator will teach toddlers about different shapes and colours Children will also be asked to show their creativity by making different patterns on the paper balls. Craft papers are colourful resources that attract the attention of toddlers and increase their interest in learning about the new activity of making papers from a piece of paper. This kind of learning experience does not require much resource and children get to enhance their decision making and creative thinking skills too. By allowing them to work in pairs, they also get the opportunity to learn social skills and coordination skills, which is also an important area of child learning and development (Huang et al., 2014). References: Cremin, T., Glauert, E., Craft, A., Compton, A., Stylianidou, F. (2015). Creative Little Scientists: exploring pedagogical synergies between inquiry-based and creative approaches in Early Years science.Education 3-13,43(4), 404-419. Demetriou, A., Shayer, M., Efklides, A. (Eds.). (2016).Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development: Implications and applications for education. Routledge. Huang, J., Sherraden, M., Kim, Y., Clancy, M. (2014). Effects of Child Development Accounts on early social-emotional development: An experimental test.JAMA pediatrics,168(3), 265-271. pbs.org (2018). The Importance of Art in Child Development. Retrieved 2 March 2018, from https://www.pbs.org/parents/education/music-arts/the-importance-of-art-in-child-development/

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Whos an Artist free essay sample

Mysister was the Artist, given infinite amounts of paper, paints, markers andcrayons. I was the Intellectual, receiving books. I had no objections, preferringprivate worlds to messy pastels. But one day, while cleaning my room, Idiscovered an empty pad of watercolor paper. Further searching uncoveredwatercolors and a paintbrush aching for use. My music was blaring, and somelong-abandoned part of me twisting within the confines of the monotonous routineof school, books, and studying sprang free. Water was obtained and a picturedrawn. It was nothing incredible, but the feeling that I had poured into it was.From then on, I couldnt create enough. I composed, drew, painted always withmusic that intensified and clarified the emotions I put on paper. Slowly, Iimproved. And as I did, sitting in my unsatisfactory green room, I began to yearnfor something big, a masterpiece, an ongoing creation. The transition wasboth sensible and unthinkable. Sensible because in my mind it was a naturalprogression, unthinkable because I knew of no one who painted murals on theirbedroom walls. We will write a custom essay sample on Whos an Artist? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It began with a yellow moon set against a black night. If I hadknown how tiny the effort that moon took would be compared to my later creations,I might have given up then. That is the only time in my life that I am glad tohave been ignorant of something. My pictures grew around the moon.First the nature scenes, then the girl encircling them, then the comet. On and onwent my masterpiece. I, the girl who would only wear blue, could not believe thecolors bursting from my paintbrush. I slept facing my bright creation, the huesimprinting themselves on my previously monochromatic brain. At times thereseemed so little there, the amount of unpainted space enormous, and at times Icould not believe the amount of wall I had covered with color andfeeling. I knew I loved my walls, but I never grasped how much until theday I painted over them. My room was being re-decorated, and my pictures were notpart of the plan. I had painted them with the knowledge that they wouldnt last,but when the last remnant of color disappeared beneath pale blue, I was surprisedby the loss I felt. I fall asleep now staring at the clean, cool blueblanketing the colors beneath. They may now be covered, but I have had a taste ofthem. I have had a taste of shattering my own preconceptions, as well as those ofothers, of pushing through the surface to see what lies beneath. What I foundthere changed me, and no longer will I be so quick to dismiss the ideas I hear,the people I meet, or, most importantly, myself at face value.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Non-Toxic Christmas Tree Food

Non-Toxic Christmas Tree Food Christmas tree food helps the tree absorb water and food to help keep the tree hydrated. The tree will retain its needles better and wont present a fire hazard. The following recipes are non-toxic and safe to keep around young children and pets. The acidity in the tree food helps the tree absorb water while deterring bacteria and mold. The sugar is the nutritive food part of the tree food. Christmas Tree Food Recipe #1 Mix a splash of real lemonade, limeade or orange juice with water. I have been using limeade in water for my tree this season. Its still going strong, even though I put it up Thanksgiving weekend. The ratio of the ingredients is not critical. Id say Im using about 1/4 limeade with 3/4 parts water. Christmas Tree Food Recipe #2 This is a variation on my original tree food: 1-gallon water2 cups light corn syrup4 teaspoons lemon juice or vinegar Christmas Tree Food Recipe #3 Mix together a citrus soft drink, like Sprite or 7-UP, together with water. When you first put up your tree, you might want to use warm water to encourage the tree to drink water. Afterward just make sure liquid remains available. If youve got a black thumb and manage to kill your Christmas tree anyway, you can use chemistry to make a silver crystal tree. It doesnt require food or water!

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Appeal to (Irrelevant) Authority (Logical Fallacy)

The Appeal to (Irrelevant) Authority (Logical Fallacy) The appeal to (false or irrelevant) authority  is a  fallacy in which a rhetor  (public speaker or writer) seeks to persuade an audience not by giving evidence but by appealing to the respect people have for the famous. Also known as ipse dixit and ad verecundiam, which means he himself said it and argument to modesty or respect respectively, appeals to authority rely entirely upon the trust the audience has as a speakers integrity and expertise on the matter at hand. As W.L. Reese puts it in Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, though, not every  appeal to authority  commits this fallacy, but every appeal to an authority with respect to matters outside his special province commits the fallacy. Essentially, what he means here is that although not all appeals to authority are fallacies, most are - especially by rhetors with no authority on the topic of discussion. The Art of Deception Manipulation of the general public has been a tool of politicians, religious leaders and marketing experts alike for centuries, utilizing appeal to authority often to support their causes with little to no evidence for doing so. Instead, these figureheads use the art of deception to leverage their fame and recognition as a means to validate their claims.   Have you ever wondered why actors like Luke Wilson endorse ATT as Americas largest wireless phone coverage provider or why Jennifer Aniston appears in Aveeno skincare commercials to say its the best product on the shelves? Marketing firms often hire the most famous A-list celebrities to promote their products for the sole purpose of using their appeal to authority to convince their fans that the product they endorse is worth buying. As Seth Stevenson posits in his 2009 Slate article Indie Sweethearts Pitching Products, Luke Wilsons role in these ATT ads is straight-up spokesman - the [ads] are horribly misleading. The Political Con Game As a result, it is important for audiences and consumers, especially in the political spectrum, to be doubly aware of the logical fallacy of merely trusting someone on their appeal to authority. In order to discern truth in these situations, the first step, then, would be to determine what level of expertise the rhetor has in the field of conversation.   For instance, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, often cites no evidence in his tweets condemning everyone from political opponents and celebrities to supposed illegal voters in the general election. On November 27, 2016, he famously tweeted In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. However, no evidence exists that verify this claim, which only sought to alter public opinion of his opponent Hillary Clintons 3,000,000-vote lead over him in the popular vote count of the 2016 U.S. election, calling her victory illegitimate.   Questioning Expertise This is certainly not unique to Trump - in fact, a large majority of politicians, especially while in public forums and on-the-spot television interviews, use an appeal to authority when facts and evidence are not readily available. Even criminals on trial will use this tactic to attempt to appeal to the empathetic human nature of the jury in order to sway their opinion despite contradictory evidence.   As Joel Rudinow and Vincent E. Barry put it in the 6th edition of Invitation to Critical Thinking, no one is an expert on everything, and therefore no one can be trusted on their appeal to authority every time. The pair comment that whenever an appeal to authority is introduced, it is wise to be aware of the area of expertise of any given authority - and to be mindful of the relevance of that particular area of expertise to the issue under discussion. Essentially, in every case of appeals to authority, be mindful of those tricky appeals to irrelevant authority - just because the speaker is famous, doesnt mean he or she knows anything real about what theyre saying.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exploration of Healthcare and Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exploration of Healthcare and Immigrants - Essay Example However, facts and figures show that, compared to the native-born, expenditures for immigrants’ health services are much less, and their contribution to Medicaid is much larger. Moreover, Immigration Reform could improve the situation with the shortage of the medical personnel. Immigrants are an integral part of the American life, society and economy. Currently, our country is experiencing another increase of immigration. In 2005, the foreign born population made nearly 36 million, where 35% were naturalized citizens, 33% were documented immigrants and 31% were undocumented immigrants. Children consisted 16% of the undocumented immigrants, and nearly two-thirds of them are U.S. citizens by birth. Expectations are that by 2050 about 80 of 120 million of the U.S. population will be the direct or indirect effect of immigration (King 2007, p.4). Though, contributing largely to the prospering of the country, these people experience many hardships in obtaining vital services. Access to health care system became one of the greatest problems they face. Looking back, we may suggest that the trouble started, for the reason that health care system of the US revealed its weak sides. Propaganda played its role. It was easier to misinform the public than to reform the whole health care system. Documented and undocumented immigrants were blamed for the trouble. Misinformation gave birth to numerous myths. These myths led to the restrictions in legislation concerning immigrants’ access to the health care service. In 1996 the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was past, establishing that recent legal immigrants to the country were to wait five years for the eligibility for Medicaid and other public benefits programs. The same eligibility restrictions were included into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, put in force in 1997. Further, another law was enacted as part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, requiring that US citizens

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Free Trade Agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Free Trade Agreement - Essay Example n geopolitical issues, economic factors and industrial innovation issues which should be considered before a FTA deal is signed between any two countries (Cooper, Manyin and Platzer 2). The US will be able expand its automobile and manufacturing industry in to South Korea by the strong economic alliance formed between the two countries. Historically, FTA like the North American Free Trade Agreement has tripled both exports and imports between the member states since tariffs are cheaper. In my view, the FTA would add $ 20 billion to bilateral trade which last year was estimated to level $ 78 billion. The US stands to gain $ 40 billion from the FTA (Cooper, Manyin and Platzer 16). According to available data for 2006, only 5,000 American manufactured cars enter South Korea market while 800,000 South Korean cars are imported in to the US (Choe 16). The FTA will help in reducing $ 13 billion US dollars deficit which is attributed to net imports of automobiles. Since the FTA calls for zero tariffs on American auto entering South Korea after the fifty year, the US auto and manufacturing industry will increase its productivity (Choe 16). The FTA will impose peace and stability in the Middle East. South Korea is interested in expanding its market into US since the economy is dependent on exports which account for 70% of the GDP. The US is the second largest market of South Korea export hence it has sought to gain competitiveness through the FTA. South Korea has in the past imposed high taxation rates on automobile imports hence creating inefficiency in the market which 95% is dominated by the local manufacturers (Cooper, Manyin and Platzer 26). In order to achieve the economic benefits of the FTA, I recommend that you support the FTA. In case you have any questions or clarifications, please feel free to conduct me at†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.I look forward to cooperating with you in supporting the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Laws and policies affect family life Essay Example for Free

Laws and policies affect family life Essay â€Å"Examine the ways in which laws and social policies affect family life† To start with a social policy is an initiative or plan that the government would put in place to try and fix a problem or to make a positive change in society. Various political and social groups have different opinions on social policies, for example in the UK conservatives are very right wing and as of the moment Mr Osborne is proposing to save  £10billion by making cuts across the board in its welfare fund. The Labour party however would be unlikely to make such drastic cuts if they were in office. This essay will explore marriage and divorce, the welfare state and domestic abuse policies. Marriage affect many families, the government has a number of laws to control people behaviour inside marriages for example marriages must be monogamous (You can only be married to one person at a time) Governments tend to encourage marriage as they believe the nuclear family is the ideal environment to bring up children, couples receive tax credits and other benefits this also discourages divorce, Marxists would believe that this is the governments way of supporting capitalism, by encouraging people to marry it means they remain a productive asset that they can continue to exploit. The new right would agree that the nuclear family is the best place to bring up a family but would not want to give tax credits or any other financial encouragement as they believe that its best to keep out of peoples affairs. Feminists would feel this is another way of oppressing women, by using financial means to discourage divorce the women may feel as though they are trapped in the relationship especially if they have to support outside the family. Divorces where first made legal in 1857 although at that time they where incredible hard to get however changes in divorce laws in the late 1960s made divorces much easier and since then divorce rates have been steeply rising. Functionalists and the New Right think that divorce is a bad thing and believe once there is marriage between two people this marriage should be permanent. Both perspectives see males and females as having different roles in the family, the male – earns the wages and the woman – Cares for and brings up the children on top of the housework whilst the man is working. These perspectives, believe that this is the right way for the family to be and that single parent families are wrong because they have not got one of the parental figures around, they feel single parent families are wrong because they lack the support you get from having 2 adults. Feminists  would disagree with this view and would say that women are exploited by men, both in the workforce and at home, and seen as figures in relationships who are there to please men’s needs after being at work. Marxist Engels states â€Å"The housewifes position is one of glorified prostitution Engels (1902)† Feminists see this as one explanation to the dramatic increases of divorce, they say women don’t want to be in a relationship where they are exploited. Feminists also believe that the government offer benefits that are not available to different types of couples such as cohabiting couples; they see this as the government’s way of encouraging marriage and discourage any other ways of living they feel this is causing less people to have a divorce even though they may not be happy. Welfare state, the welfare state is the system where benefits are given to those who are entitled or qualify for them, for example the job seekers allowance where the government gives you money if you are searching for a job. Marxists see this as supporting capitalism because if the proletariat are working for the bourgeoisie they are being actively exploited by being grossly underpaid for the services. This happens because the Bourgeoisie own the means of work. The welfare state appease the poor and makes the Proletariat feel as though they are being well treated but its just a smoke screen to stop them seeing the bigger picture, Its a tool used by the government to prevent class consciousness and revolution. The new right disagrees with this view and in fact sees it a weakening the family because they feel the families become over reliant on the generous benefits the welfare state grants them new labour although it has similar views as new right feels that the welfare system is a good way to support and encourage young people to work. Feminists have the independent view that the benefit system only supports the patriarchal nuclear family and neglects all other forms of family. When men get benefits they feel this weakens the women’s position because the man is in control of his wages and the benefit. However feminists also feel the benefits women do get â€Å"more maternity leave† and â€Å"control of child benefits† are trying to cement the view that women should be staying at home and looking after the children. The government has laws that are designed to protect all members of the family from domestic abuse, this is achieved by social services taking children out of dangerous families or the police will remove the violent family members, there are also various programmes and  counselling available to try and fix family problems to maintain stable family life. It is hard to depict how successful theses measures are as many domestic abuse cases go unreported due to fear, embarrassment and love. So even though the government provides services such as counselling and social services its unlikely we will ever know the true extent of domestic abuse because we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Liberal Feminists would believe that the safeguards put in place are a step forward to protecting women however Radical feminists would feel that it was not enough and moor should be done to help protect women. Marxists are not opposed to sanctions put in place to help protect the family. To conclude i would say social policies effect families in positive and negative ways, while the new right believe that social policies should favour the nuclear families while feminists and Marxists feel that the government need to recognize other family types such as cohabiting couples and gay couples and make laws which benefit them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Role of Paralegals in the Legal System Essay -- Legal Assistant

Justice. It is something that everyone wants, something that we strive for, even something that sparks. However, when we think of lawyers, we think of superheroes with an expensive education, walking into the courtroom and serving up justice. What no one thinks of is the person that helped the lawyer get there, the paralegal that prepares the necessary documents, the paralegal that makes sure his or her attorney is at the right place at the right time. A paralegal is crucial and in some cases vital to our justice system yet they are so often over looked. To understand what a paralegal does we must first understand what the job of a lawyer entails. Black’s Law Dictionary defines a lawyer as â€Å"a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law.† Attorneys generally have around seven years of a college education under their belt, they have the authority to argue their clients case before a judge and jury. Just because a person has a law degree does not necessarily mean that they are skilled lawyers. One could have the best education money can buy but still be a lousy attorney. Practice and careful preparation is needed before one goes to court, but there is still one thing that is invaluable to an attorney. Experience. All of the classes in the world could not prepare one for the nerve that it takes to stand before a judge and jury with your client beside you trusting you to put up a fight. I had the opportunity to witness the behind the scenes action as a young attorney recently prepared for his first trial. What I saw is not what would normally happen but it is something that does happen. This attorney was given about three hours to prepare for his first trial, he had about three ye... ... by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible." However we know that they do so much more. Works Cited "Current ABA Definition of Legal Assistant/Paralegal | Division for Legal Services." American Bar Association. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. . Green, Regina. Personal Interview. 7 Jan 2011. Henry Campbell Black, Black's Law Dictionary, 5th ed. (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1979), 799. Hooper, Milton. "The Evolving Paralegal Role." Paralegal Today: The Magazine for the Paralegal Profession. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. . Sands, Ana. Personal Interview. 7 Jan. 2011.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Land Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

The object of this undertaking is to derive a more a holistic and deep apprehension of the Legal and Regulatory model regulating Land Pollution in India By looking into the beginning of Environment we understand how the society boulder clay day of the month has shaped and what is the Causes and Effects of Land Pollution and what contribution the Law has given. Another really of import object of this undertaking is to understand what the demand of Environmental Law in the society was. The method of research adopted is doctrinal in nature. I have referred beginnings on the net every bit good as a few books on Environmental Law available in the university library besides adding my personal positions and cognition of the subject. Land pollution is the taint of the Earth ‘s land surface through abuse of the dirt by hapless agricultural patterns, mineral development, industrial waste dumping, and indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes. It includes seeable waste and litter every bit good as pollution of the dirt itself. Soil pollution is caused by chemicals in weedkillers and pesticides for agricultural activities every bit good as littering of waste stuffs in public topographic points such as streets, Parkss and roads. The accretion of waste is a menace to the wellness of people in residential countries and waste decays besides encourages family plagues and turns urban countries into unsightly, dirty and unhealthy topographic points to populate in. These jobs result in the loss of 6 million hectares of land each twelvemonth. It besides consequences in the loss of 24 billion dozenss of surface soil each twelvemonth and a loss of at least 15 million estates of premier agricultural land to overdrive and mismanagement every twelvemonth. Some steps of land pollution are through the instruction of people through runs, recycling to cut down wastes. Laws have besides been passed by authoritiess to cover with land pollution. When we hear a individual describe a topographic point as ‘dirty ‘ , what normally comes to our heads is the bad status of the topographic point. The topographic point, which could be your sleeping room, is imagined to hold apparels scattered on the floor and books unarranged on the shelf. However, I define the word ‘dirty ‘ in a more specific mode. ‘Dirty ‘ in my definition, means that there are rubbish or litter on the floor. This makes the ambiance of that certain topographic point unpleasant non merely to the oculus, but besides to the head. Land pollution is hence the soiling of the land. It comes approximately due to inconsiderate dumping of waste, littering and uneffective waste disposal methods. Mix of harmful substances with dirt is called land pollution. When the natural dirt gets assorted with the harmful and toxic elements due to assorted agencies, it pollutes the dirt and alters its original physical and chemical features. Animals waste excessively pollutes land. The consequence of such dirt pollution is rather harmful and unsafe on human life every bit good as on workss and animate beings. Soil pollution easy and steadily causes environment and air pollution as good by vaporisation of assorted harmful chemicals from the contaminated land. Polluted land consequences into farther pollution of workss and land H2O resources which finally leads to fouling full web of nutrient concatenation in the ecosystem.Chapter 1 Causes and Effects of Land PollutionPeoples across the Earth have been confronting a figure of wellness jobs caused due to the pollution of land, H2O and air. Talking about land pollution, it has some of the most annihilating effects on both nature and living existences. Land pollution is characterized by the taint of Earth ‘s surface, where worlds and other animals live. One of the major causes of land pollution is human activities. Given below is complete information about the chief causes and harmful effects of land pollution . AA1.1 Causes of Land PollutionThe disposal of non-biodegradable wastes, including containers, bottles and tins made of plastic, used autos and electronic goods, leads to the pollution of land. The procedure of mining leads to the formation of hemorrhoids of coal and scoria. When these wastes are non disposed through proper channel, they are accumulated and pollute the land. Industrial wastes are major subscribers of land pollution. Dumping of toxic stuffs such as chemicals and pigments makes the countries environing the industries, look really foul. Improper intervention of sewerage leads to the accretion of solids, such as biomass sludge. These solid wastes overflow through the sewerage, doing the full country expression dirty.[ 1 ] Population India is the 2nd most thickly settled state in the universe with more than 1 billion people.A This big population is besides an environmental challenge for the universe. Soil Erosion This is the biggest job. Wind besides aids in spread outing the ever-increasing desert conditions of the Rajasthan desert.A Similarly, many ports are now covered in sand for the same grounds. Deforestation Although the British started deforestation in India, the force per unit areas to overhaul since the divider of 1947 have merely increased the rates of deforestation.A The erratic growing of metropoliss and the rapid building of mills to assist feed the thirst for economic growing have come at the cost of India ‘s woodlands.A These policies non merely harmed the trees but the autochthonal peoples that had long thrived among the trees throughout India.A2. Effectss of Land PollutionAMetric tons and metric tons of domestic wastes are dumped every twenty-four hours. Since people do non follow proper methods for the disposal of such wastes, it leaves the topographic points look soiled and makes them unhealthy. Land pollution indirectly affects the respiratory system of human existences. Breathing in contaminated dust or atom can ensue in a figure of wellness jobs related to the respiratory system.[ 2 ] Skin jobs are frequently diagnosed due to set down pollution. It is said that the improper disposal of family wastes leads to allergic reactions on the tegument. Land pollution has been found as one of the prima causes for birth defects. Pregnant adult females populating in unhealthy and soiled environment can incur take a breathing jobs and a figure of diseases, which may impact the wellness of the babe every bit good. Land pollution has serious consequence on wildlife. Flora, which provides nutrient and shelter to wildlife, are destroyed. Land pollution frequently disrupts the balance of Nature, doing human human deaths.Chapter 2 Legal model regulating Land Pollution in India2.1 Policy under the Five-Year Plan. India ‘s development programs balance economic development and environmental concerns. The planning procedure is guided by the rules of sustainable development. There has been an evolutionary procedure for mainstreaming environmental protection in India ‘s planning procedure. The first formal acknowledgment of the demand for incorporate environmental planning was made when the Union Government constituted the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination ( NCEPC ) in 1972. The concern for environmental injury came to the bow particularly during the Sixth Five-Year Plan ( 1980-85 ) , which contained a separate proviso for environmental debasement. Stairss were besides taken for H2O, air, noise, and land pollution.[ 3 ] 2.2 Fundamental law of India a ) The State ‘s duty with respect to environmental protection has been laid down under Article 48-A of our Constitution, which reads as follows: â€Å" The State shall endeavor to protect and better the environment and to safeguard the woods and wildlife of the state † . B ) Environmental protection is a cardinal responsibility of every citizen of this state under Article 51-A ( g ) of our Constitution which reads as follows: â€Å" It shall be the responsibility of every citizen of India to protect and better the natural environment including woods, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to hold compassion for life animals. † degree Celsius ) Article 21 of the Constitution is a cardinal right which reads as follows: â€Å" No individual shall be deprived of his life or personal autonomy except harmonizing to process established by jurisprudence. † vitamin D ) Article 48-A of the Constitution comes under Directing Principles of State Policy and Article 51 A ( g ) of the Constitution comes under Cardinal Duties. vitamin E ) The State ‘s duty with respect to raising the degree of nutrition and the criterion of life and to better public wellness has been laid down under Article 47 of the Constitution which reads as follows: â€Å" The State shall see the elevation of the degree of nutrition and the criterion of life of its people and the betterment of public wellness as among its primary responsibilities and, in peculiar, the State shall endeavour to convey about prohibition of the ingestion except for medicative intents of elating drinks and of drugs which are deleterious to wellness. † H ) The 42nd amendment to the Constitution was brought approximately in the twelvemonth 1974 makes it the duty of the State Government to protect and better the environment and to safeguard the woods and wildlife of the state. The latter, under Cardinal Duties, makes it the cardinal responsibility of every citizen to protect and better the natural environment including woods, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to hold compassion for life animals. 2.3 The Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986 The Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986 was introduced as an umbrella statute law that provides a holistic model for the protection and betterment to the environment. In footings of duties, the Act and the associated Rules requires for obtaining environmental clearances for specific types of new / enlargement undertakings ( addressed under Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 1994 ) and for entry of an environmental statement to the State Pollution Control Board yearly. 2.4 Hazardous Wastes ( Management and Handling ) Rules, 1989, as amended in 2000 Waste refers to a stuff that has no public-service corporation for a individual. Although natural waste can be disposed away and recycled or composted, it is the toxic, non-degradable waste of plastic and electronic goods that is going a climb job for India and other developing states. Besides the part of families, refuse is besides generated by industries, agribusiness and excavation.[ 4 ] The Hazardous Waste Rules applied to Management and Handling of 18 classs of wast like: Cyanide wastes Metal coating wastes Waste incorporating H2O soluble chemicals compounds of lead, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ba, and Sb Mercury, arsenic, Tl, and Cd and Sb Non-halogenated hydro Cs including dissolvers Halogenated hydro Cs including dissolvers Wastes from pigments, pigments, gum, varnish and printing ink Wastes from dyes and dye-intermediates incorporating inorganic chemical compounds Wastes from dyes and dye-intermediates incorporating organic chemical compounds Waste oil and oil emulsions Tarry wastes from polishing and pitch residue from distillment or pyro lytic intervention Sludge originating from intervention of waste H2O incorporating heavy metals, toxic organic, oils, emulsion and exhausted chemical and incineration ash Phenols Asbestos Wastes from fabrication of pesticides and weedkillers and residues from pesticides and weedkillers preparations units Acid wastes Off specification and discarded merchandises Discarded container line drives of risky and toxic chemicals and wastes.[ 5 ] The Problem of Disposal of Hazardous Waste and its Dangers The crisp addition in waste coevals is non matched by installations for disposal of risky waste. In India, waste is either burned or merely buried at a topographic point. The crisp addition in the quantum of generated waste and the unequal infinite for its disposal has led to improper methods of disposal. Consequently, jobs like taint of land H2O and increased air pollution have emerged as serious menaces to general wellness and life. The municipal workers are most affected people by the occupational danger ( jeopardy ) of waste managing ; they suffer from unwellness like oculus jobs respiratory jobs, gastro and tegument jobs.[ 6 ] While the improper disposal of solid waste can ensue in environmental and wellness jobs, the turning quantum of electronic waste poses a monolithic hazard to our ecological system.A Electronic equipment waste runing from personal computing machines, optical phonograph record participants and nomadic phones contains toxic stuffs like lead, Cd, quicksilver, fire retardents and leaching plastics. If this waste is left untreated in landfills or mopess ( as is the instance in India ) , it will ensue in irreparable loss to the life in the dirt, H2O and the ambiance, therefore adversely impacting human wellness and ecology. Peoples working in countries near to these landfill countries or countries where electronic waste is stored are in danger of terrible wellness jobs like harm to the kidneys, swelling of the encephalon, intervention with regulative endocrines, tegument jobs, malignant neoplastic disease and neurological and respiratory upsets. Indian Laws associating to Disposal of Hazardous Waste In India, the Environment Protection Act, 1986, authorizes the cardinal authorities to take all steps deemed necessary or expedient to protect the quality of environment and forestall any type of pollution. Hence, the Government of India has framed the Hazardous Waste ( Management and Handling ) Rules, 1989 and Hazardous Waste ( Storage Export and Import ) Rules, 1989 to modulate the disposal of risky waste in India.[ 7 ]These regulations make it compulsory for any organisation to seek the permission of the local province pollution control board for grant of mandate for transporting risky substances in the signifier of aggregation, response, intervention, conveyance, storage and disposal of such wastes. In recent opinion of Rajasthan High tribunal in the Suo Motu action taken against the disposal of Jaipur metropolis, Justice D. V. Singh held that right to life includes the right to nutrient, vesture, shelter, right to sensible adjustment to populate in, right to descent environment and besides right to populate in clean metropolis. Even in the instance of Municipal Council, Ratlam V. Vardichand[ 8 ], the instance which was the get downing point of environment law in India in which justness Krishna Iyer attributed the pollution free environment and public wellness with that of Human right facet. Judgment and determinations of the bench have proved that pollution free environment and clean metropolis is facet of Right to life. The Basel Convention Which was signed by India on 22 September, 1992, sought to modulate the â€Å" refuse imperialism † or â€Å" toxic terrorist act † , as it was called, indulged in by the Organisation for the Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) states towards Non-OECD Countries. The Basel Convention envisaged that in the beginning of twelvemonth 1998, there will be complete prohibition on exports of risky waste but it could non happen for obvious grounds. Besides so many of import clauses in the Basel Convention, the most of import one is that the state which is importing risky waste should hold installations to dispose of the waste in an environmentally sound mode. Concluding Legal Take Away Tip The authorities of India has proposed a new set of regulations called the E-waste ( Management and Handling ) Rules 2010. This provides for doing the manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment responsible for the aggregation and appropriate disposal of e-waste generated at the terminal of the merchandise life.[ 9 ]Besides censoring the import of used electrical and electronic equipment for charity in the state, these new regulations besides aim to modulate non merely the manufacturers, but besides the recyclers and mediators. 2.5 A Law Associating to Bio-Medical Waste Management The infirmary wastes attracted the attending of the Supreme Court every bit early as in 1994 when a writ request was filed under Article 32 of the Constitution against the concerned governments to supply clean and wellness environment. Issue of improper infirmary waste direction was the Southern Cross of the instance in B.L. Wadhera v. Union of India[ 10 ] The tribunal gave series of waies. The most of import among them are: 1. All infirmaries with 50 beds and above should put in incinerators or any of effectual alternate method under their ain administrative control. 2. The incinerator or alternate methods should be fitted with necessary pollution control mechanism, approved and corroborating to the criterions laid down by the Central Pollution control Board. 3. The Central Pollution control Board and the State Pollution Control Boards should regularity direct its review squads in different countries to determine that the aggregation, transit and disposal garbage/wastes is carried out satisfactorily. Under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 a defiler of the environment can besides be punished if he does an act which causes any common hurt, danger of irritation to the populace or to the people in general so the act may be treated every bit public as defined under Section 268 and the wrongdoer may be treated punished under Section 290 or 291 of the Code, There are besides penal proviso under a state of affairs which either causes, or destroys, or diminishes the value or public-service corporation of any belongings, of affects the belongings injuriously as provided under the Section 426, 230, 231, and 432 of the Indian Penal Code. This otherwise means that if any individual who generates, collects, receives, shops, conveyance, treated, disposes or handles bio-medical wastes in any signifier shall be treated as a contravener of the above penal commissariats.[ 11 ] There should be concerted attempts of authorities for distributing the consciousness among the people about the importance of cleanliness and protection of environment through the communicating media every bit good as forming consciousness cantonments at local degrees.[ 12 ] Bio Medical ( Management and Handling ) Rules, 1998 The Bio-medical Rules came into being in 1998 through a presentment in exercising of the powers conferred by Sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986. Bio-medical Rules is the first of its sort of national jurisprudence in whole South- East Asiatic Region in relation to bio-medical waste direction. The definition of Bio-medical waste is really comprehensive and extended 1. National statute law is the footing for bettering wellness attention waste patterns in any state. There should be a clear appellation of duties before the jurisprudence is enacted. Unfortunately, Indian jurisprudence fails to come up to the criterion prescribed by the World Health Organization. The Committee on Solid Management[ 13 ]recommends that bio-medical waste should be refrained from throwing on the streets or unfastened topographic points every bit good as into municipal dust bins or the domestic waste aggregation sites. This means bulk of the establishments still managed to throw the bio-medical waste municipal bins near to their premises. So it can be said that arrant failure of the jurisprudence in implementing it. The Rules is really broad and includes the resident who generates bio-medical waste. The Rules which speak about puting up of incinerator or any other alternate mechanism in a infirmary. Let us assume that the all the infirmaries have set up the incinerator. Has the Pollution Control Board equipped with adequate substructures to look into and each and every incinerator of a infirmary in relation its operation and emanation criterions?[ 14 ] Merely by enforcing deadline sing puting up of incinerator even after it has been discarded by western states or any other methods. The incinerator should be used at it optimal flat otherwise the waste may non be treated decently. In a infirmary environment, engineerings like incineration fail because untrained janitor staff runs them. Most of the studies incinerators run at temperatures lower than those specified in the regulations. Due to hapless operation and care, these incinerators do non destruct the waste, need a batch of fuel to run, and are frequently out of order. If every infirmary has an incinerator ; decidedly it can non be used its optimal degree as the sum infective waste is less. This leads improper intervention of bio-medical waste. The consequence is obvious doing danger to human wellness and the environment By and large waste is disposed through incineration by heating minimal 1000 O C. Due to failure of continue supply of electricity the heat will non raise up to order degree. The consequence is non completion of disposal of waste harmonizing to the regulations. 2.6 The Municipal Solid Wastes ( Management and Handling ) Rules, 2000 This defined ‘municipal solid waste ‘ as ‘commercial and residential wastes generated in a municipal or notified countries in either solid or semi-solid signifier excepting industrial risky wastes but includes treated bio-medical wastes. ‘ Harmonizing to Purden & A ; Anderson, ‘refuse and solid waste are about the same thing, Garbage is nutrient waste, Trash and Rubbish are approximately tantamount footings ; they contain small or no refuse. Trash often refers to grass and shrubbery cuttings, documents, glass, tins and other family wastes.[ 15 ]Rubbis is besides likely to include destruction stuffs like brick, broken concrete, and discarded roofing and timber. ‘ It has farther been clarified that solid waste includes discarded and abandoned contraptions armored combat vehicle car, mine and industry waste, agricultural, lumbering, infirmary, research research labs and industries. Some industrial wastes are toxic or risky. It is of import to determine the nature of waste whether it is biodegradable or combustible in managing and disposal of solid waste. Combustion and landfill method of disposal farther gives rise to jobs like air, H2O and land pollution, impacting adversely the wellness of the adult male, and vegetations and zoologies. Apart from family, office waste, the waste from industries within the metropolis precincts have become a baleful job now-a-days. Waste from industries utilizing chemicals and synthetics, biomedical waste are risky or unsafe waste excessively. The Indian Penal Code and Solid Waste Management The Indian Penal Code of 1860 has dealt with solid waste direction under Chapter XIV ‘of offenses impacting the public wellness, safety, convenience, decency and ethical motives ‘ . Since, solid waste gives rise to assorted type of diseases and is unsafe to public wellness, it has been treated as ‘public nuisance ‘ and has been made punishable. But there is no direct subdivision in the Code which deals with the job of solid waste. Commissariats under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 Section 133 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 trades with ‘removal of nuisance ‘ and empowers the Sub-Divisional Magistrate or any executive Magistrate, on having report/information, to do order to take the public nuisance and desist from transporting any trade, concern which is doing public nuisance. The Court have made usage of Section 133 of the Code widely to cover with the job of solid waste direction. In the celebrated instance of Municipal Corporation, Ratlam v. Shri Vardhichand[ 16 ]Justice Krishna Iyer declared that ‘aˆÂ ¦the guns of Section 133 spell into action wherever there is public nuisance. The public power of the Magistrate under the Code is a public responsibility to the members of the populace who are victims of the nuisance. ‘ If the order is defied or ignored, Section 188, I.P.C. comes into penal drama. It was further, observed that ‘imperative tone of S.A 133, Cr.P.C. read with the punitory pique of S.A 188 I.P.C. makes the prohibitive act a compulsory responsibility. ‘ The Court besides pointed out that Article 47 of the Indian Constitute makes it a overriding rule of administration that ‘steps are taken for the betterment of public wellness as amongst its primary responsibilities. ‘ Right to sanitation, decent and dignified life The tribunals on assorted occasions have declared in univocal footings that care of wellness, saving of sanitation falls within the horizon of Article 21 of the Constitution as it adversely affects the life of the citizen and it amounts to decelerate toxic condition and cut downing the life of the citizen because of the jeopardies created, if non checked. The tribunal have besides declared that it is a primary, compulsory and obligatory responsibility of the municipal corporations/ councils to take trash, crud, dark dirt or any noxious or violative affair.[ 17 ]The Pollution Boards and its officers have a basic responsibility under the Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986 to halt unauthorized motion and/or disposal of the waste. They are besides empowered to take action against mistaking industries and individuals. In Virendar Gaur v. State of Haryana and in many other instances, the Supreme Court has clip and once more declared that right to life under Article 21 encompasses right t o populate with human self-respect, quality of life, and nice environment. Therefore, pollution free environment and proper healthful status in metropoliss and towns, without which life can non be enjoyed, is a built-in aspect of right to life. A Landmark Case The Supreme Court of India in Dr. B.L. Wadehra v. Union of India[ 18 ], decidedly dictum that the ‘resident of Delhi have a statutory right to populate in a clean metropolis. ‘ Therefore, Municipal Corporation of Delhi ( MCD ) and New Delhi Municipal Council ( NMCD ) are under a statutory duty to scavenge and clean the metropolis and ‘it is compulsory for these governments to roll up and dispose of the garbage/waste generated from assorted beginnings in the metropolis. ‘ It was further observed that ‘non-availability O financess insufficiency or inefficiency of the staff, inadequacy of machinery etc. can non be pleaded as land for non-performance of their statutory duties. ‘ 2.7 The new Plastic Waste ( Management and Handling ) Rules 2011 New regulations in India have banned the usage of fictile sachets for hive awaying and selling nutrient and baccy merchandises, and both recycled and compostable bags used for transporting groceries have besides been banned. The new Plastic Waste ( Management and Handling ) Rules 2011 have non wholly banned recycled plastic bags, but in add-on to their limitations on transporting nutrient points, they must conform to a figure of other regulations laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards, one of which provinces: ‘The plastic carrying bags shall either be white or merely with those pigments and colourants which are in conformance with the saloon prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards ‘ . Bags should besides be no less than 40 micrometers in thickness, duplicate the thickness required under old regulations. Officials hope the new regulations will accomplish thickness uniformity throughout the state.[ 19 ] Chapter 3 Suggestions In such instances one has to follow `cradle to sculpt ‘ solutions from coevals to concluding disposal of the wastes. This is peculiarly indispensable with the waste including toxic and risky wastes. To incorporate and command the job, there must be `awareness plan ‘ to cut down solid waste, to recycle the things if possible and to recycle the wastes like paper waste. Therefore, it deals attitudinal alteration amongst the people before we venture to beef up the bing Torahs and implement them efficaciously and expeditiously Recycle the wastes to retrieve energy and stuff. Separate risky waste from other beginning stuff for efficient handling. Incinerate or otherwise convert risky wastes to non-hazardous wastes. To promote recycling of stuff, some motive be given. Efficient Torahs entirely can non work out the job, unless we have efficient mechanism to implement, will of the authorities to implement and attitudinal alteration among the multitudes is needed Multiplicity of Torahs and countless governments can non get the better of such job unless people are made cognizant of the inauspicious effects of this job and they abide by Torahs with an purpose to safeguard the present and future coevals. Municipal corporation is a local authorization within the significance of `State ‘ under Article 12 of the Constitution and it is Statutory responsibility to roll up, shop, conveyance, procedure and dispose of the municipal dirty wastes and see the wellness & A ; hygiene of the populace is maintained. Report anyone who actively dumps waste to the appropriate governments. Reduce, re-use and recycle. Glass Bottles or jars can be reused or taken to a bottle bank for recycling. Metallic elements: Used aluminium and steel tins can be collected as bit and smelted for re-use. Avoid batteries. They contain a scope of metals but are hard to recycle. Plastics: Many drink bottles are made from a plastic called PET, which can be re-used. Vegetable Waste: A pail with a lid makes a good container for vegetable waste that can be on a regular basis added to the compost pile for usage in the garden. Attempts at single degrees should be promoted. Peoples should organize the wont of hive awaying waste at beginning in their ain houses and sedimentation such waste into the municipal system merely.[ 20 ] Decision A The apathetic Governmental attitude towards the disposal of waste is a job that has led to troubles in execution of â€Å" The Municipal Solid Waste ( Management & A ; Handling ) Rules, 2000 † as it has led to ignorance towards uncollected domestic waste. The waste processing and disposal installation has to be set up by the Municipal Authority on their ain or through the operator of installation, every bit good as they have to follow the criterions as specified under the Rules of 2000. The improper and apathetic attitude towards direction of Domestic Solid Waste has inauspicious effects on the society every bit good as environment. It is one of the biggest beginning of environment pollution. Land is polluted with the waste dumped upon it, makes the dirt infertile. contaminates the H2O organic structures, affect the aquatic life which through nutrient concatenation reaches the human being every bit good as in organic compounds. Due to the discarded plastics carry bags and ungathered waste there is drain choke offing which leads to stagnant H2O and becomes engendering land for mosquitoes and insects. All this happens because there is no proper direction and aggregation of solid waste which finally causes sedate menace to the human existences and animate beings life. With the turning population the immense waste is being generated twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. There is broad usage of plastics, advanced engineering and other mercenary things. This resulted in different features of waste which became complicated job for direction of Domestic Waste and disposal techniques. It is imperative that pressing stairss in this way should be taken up — non for treatment but as unusual pattern. The authorities and societal organisations should work hand-in-hand, round the clock and guarantee that the delicate balance in nature is non destroyed. Awareness programmes and engagement of the layperson in the cleansing procedure are really of import. Every individual should be made responsible for the harm to the Earth. Rather than speaking tall on the unfairness being done to earth, and poems being written on the earnestness of the issue, people all over the universe should fall in custodies for the interest of the Earth. Global engagement and action is needed.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pass/Fail System Essay

The Use of Pass/Fail System The only thing that will give you as much heartache in school as love are grades (Colaba, n.d.). Throughout a student’s life in school, one is taught from society that the most important aspect in studies is to get good grades. Because of this, students’ motivation, learning, and even his or her personal progress are marginalized by the ‘ultimate goal’, which are the numbers use to evaluate one’s performance. We could observe this even at a very early stage at school, first graders for example. In the first grade, multiplication table is already taught and should be memorized and usually stars stamped at the back of the hands of the pupils are given as a reward for perfectly declaiming it. Of course, children would probably try to memorize the entire chart for the sake of getting stars. So what is now the motivation of the pupils? Instead of learning as their incentives, it would be the external reward. It is because it would create a competition between the students on who would get many stars. It goes the same with the numeric grading system. It is how high the number, the grade and the praise one would aspire instead. Students and society is so used to the grading system that it looks as if inexorable. As a result of it, students could not already perform without grades. Basically, it is the result of having the numeric grading system according to a professor from UPVTC. So why not use the Pass/Fail system rather than numeric? With that, students could avoid the anxiety those five little words always bring. Moreover, this Pass/Fail system would give students allowance for freedom within a pressurized environment and the reason why it is installed during 90’s on the first place. And having classes without any demands of distinguished grades would give a student a normal life in school. Better is one could escape the stress from aiming high grades. However, it still demands hard work to be able to pass. Still it needs involvement as student- participation, showing to the class, or merely do what regular students does. Perhaps at first there would be a more often attack of laziness because of freedom but in this case of situation, one could truly see that  studies need focus and seriousness to really be able to pass as well as to learn. Furthermore, students will be able to loosen their grasp to what grades have caused them. Like control their life at school and what is worse, let their ego shrink at times. When in fact you could learn to appreciate your courses and eventually learn them by heart not just because you need a shining grade. And through the pass/fail system, a student could indeed determine if the course truly interests him/her and if he/she would be willing to study and perform well even without grades. It is because nowadays, students are undeniably just doing school works because of the pressure of grades. Without grades, one could truly see the difference in viewing why people go to school. Another is that through the grading system we are using, we learned to be reinforced by other aspects- praises of teachers, grades, or any external reward which is a mistake. We let grade motivate us rather than us motivating our own self. Is it not better that we reinforce our own selves rather than something doing it? It is because in situations like this, we get to neglect new learning opportunities especially knowing that there will be no grades involve. Most of the time or all the times, we turn our back on and merely disregard voluntary readings and others that are ask voluntarily because it is not reinforced in the past. Knowledge for its own sake is not seen as a valid and valuable goal (Colaba, n.d). Wherein knowledge should be treated as the real reward and primarily be the reason why people go to school, an internal reward better than externals. Internal reward which is to be able to acquire what you have learned would be the true essence of studying. Perhaps others would say that it is better to have specific marks in transcripts so that higher grades would mean a white-collar job rather than merely seeing pass and fail. Well in reality, high grades do not really go with being a good and an effective employee. Numeric or letters in grading system is not equivalent to guts and skills. In fact, there were underdogs during their school years but became successful more than those best in  class. It is just a proof that a success of a person does not depend on his/her transcript. Maybe just knowing if you have simply passed or failed in college or high school before is already enough for an assessment to be accepted in a job. For some, they would say that the numeric/letter grading system would make the parents proud if ever their child would get good grades. But what if their child cannot? With the pass/fail, one could escape expected range of letters and numbers by their parents. For sure parents would still be proud seeing the pa ss mark in their child’s record. In addition are those that would say that how could they stabilize their efforts if there would be no certain grade to be aimed? The solution would be one should learn to organize and manage the time for studies. Do this sagaciously and learn to accept whatever would be the result of your efforts (Colaba, n.d.). And most of all love your craft. Probably the rest would say that it would be absolutely unfair to those who are best in class. At a certain point, yes it would be unethical to the best student in class because they would not get any appreciation anymore. But the question is how important it is to be acknowledged as the finest student? In a way, it would be used as reinforcement for one to maintain a good performance but again, this is just a part of an external reward. Knowing your certain rank would not mean recognizing your worth as a human being. And taking the idea that you are a better person because you could outshine others during examinations makes you a foolish person as supposed by Dr. Colaba, a professor in UPVTC. Moreover rank would not assure satisfaction, happiness, as well as oneâ€℠¢s success. Thus, pass/fail system is better than any numeric/letter grading system. A student could simply know whether he/she passed or not and there is no pressure. However this does not mean to discourage students about the present grading system or dispirit them to aim good grades. Maybe not until it would lead to anxiety and driving one’s ego. Anxiety does not help students to learn and in fact it is a destructive motivation. And letting something drive your ego instead of you taking control of it has never been good as well. The pass or fail system would definitely change one’s view in school.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

We The People... essays

We The People... essays In his Federalist Paper #51, James Madison said, If all men were angels, no government would be necessary. However, all men are not angels; therefore, some form of government is needed to maintain order, protect the rights of the minority, express the wishes of the majority, defend its citizens from outside intrusions, etc. It has been seen throughout the centuries since the Ancient Grecian city-states and Acropoli to Britains monarchy all the way to our very own Constitutional democracy. John Locke, in fact, discussed at length what life would be like without a central governing body. He called it a state of nature, where individual rights remain unprotected and vulnerable. No one person is ever truly the leader, so whats left is a constant battle for dominance and power; chaos runs rampant and no one is safe. The Romans realized this and created a republican form of government, whereby officials are elected by the people to represent the people when making political choices. The English realized this same point and drafted the Magna Carta in order to prevent King John and all future kings from wielding too much power. Thus, when the colonists first came to America, they agreed, before even landing on the shores of Massachusetts, that they would be governed by a group of elected officials so as to protect religious freedom, establish a written list of laws, etc. Today, this document is known as the Mayflower Compact, a precedent for the early Americans to build upon. And they did, beginning with Virginia Declaration of Rights but concluding with the two most important documents in our nations history: the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. One is looked upon as the outline of our government, while the other is noted to have guaranteed those liberties held most sacred by our Framers. Their magnificence resides in their sheer timelessness and openness t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Argumentative Writing on the Good Effects of Advanced Technology Essay e

The first reason why technology is useful because it helps students have an increased ability to learn. This is because it is an easy way to reach a database that contains information that you would never imagine existed. In the articles that I read it mentioned how technology now allows children to observe things in a classroom in a whole new way, which allows them to be able to understand what they are learning even better than before. why technology is good in the educational field is because it is helping children learn that have a disability. â€Å"Meanwhile, Autism Speaks has launched an initiative titled Hacking Autism, where programmers and developers are invited to work on technology-based ideas to aid kids on the spectrum with learning and social skills.† This is stating how the advanced technology that we hryday lives to be easier and more advanced in a way that nobody could’ve ever imagine, anywhere from an increased ability to educate children and recordi ng data in a computer to saving lives in the hospital using a robotic arm. Works Cited Braiker/Parenting.com, Brian. "Technology in the Classroom: The Good and Bad." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 17 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Hornof, Michelle. "The Bellingham Herald." INSIDE OUR SCHOOLS: Technology and Discussions Drive Student Work Classroom. The Bellingham Herald, 26 Nov. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. Lytle, Ryan. "Study: Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom." US News. U.S.News World Report, 14 July 2011. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. Woodley, Robyn. "The Slate Online Is Technology Good or Bad?" The Slate Online Is Technology Good or Bad? The Slate, 18 Nov. 2013. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Monetary Policy and Its Implications in Belgium Research Paper

Monetary Policy and Its Implications in Belgium - Research Paper Example This meant that the signatories’ domestic currencies would not fluctuate against the Euro and each other. The Euro was initially launched as electronic money and eventually became a legal tender on 1st January the year 2002. The European Central Bank was tasked with the responsibility of implementing monetary policies on countries using the Euro (GunyeÃŒ  2004). One of the main reasons why the Euro was introduced was to provide a common currency that could be used all over Europe. It is important to note that European countries are small and trade with each other. A common currency would make trade between the European countries easier. This eliminated exchange rates that were a common hindrance to trade among the countries. The common currency was expected to be stronger than other currencies of the individual countries and this would have increased the competitiveness of exporters using the Euro. Since the Euro was incepted in the year 1999, it has remained fairly stable against the US dollar. The euro in 1999 would buy the US dollar at $1.18. This figure has since risen to $1.38. The lowest amount that the Euro has ever bought the US dollar is $0.82 and the highest ever level the Euro has ever bought the dollar remains at $1.60. Some of the member countries have been experiencing high labor costs and this has been affecting their export competitiveness in the market. In such a case a currency would devalue to solve the scenario. It is, however, impossible to devalue the Euro and this has led to major problems for countries like Greece, Portugal and Italy. This is due to the fact that they are experiencing a fall in exports. It is widely thought member countries are protected from financial crisis. However, this is not the case as Greece is experiencing a major financial crisis. The member countries are given less incentives to implement structural reform (The